Visual tool to identify
core values

Creating a strong product, brand or service that stands out is a challenging task. It is crucial to identify what really matters.

Tagtika’s deck makes creating a truly distinctive value proposition easier.

Faster to the core with purposeful distinction!

Instant overview

Better alignment within the team

Targeted definition of values

What is the Tagtika deck?

With the Tagtika deck you explore 51 powerful concepts like never before. Spark meaningful
conversations. Select the right values to define what truly matters.

Each tag comes with a clear icon and a short description. By choosing the right tags, you focus attention on values that are important to you and to your customers.

Easy to use and quick to apply!

Gain clear insight and alignment within your team. Build a powerful compass for your brand or product.

With the Visual Value Mapping-method, you learn to select the right core values to identify what truly matters.

TAGTIKA helps organisations to differentiate
their brand, product and communication.

Become truly distinctive

Over 150 innovative entrepreneurs, marketing professionals & branding experts have already used the Tagtika Visual Value Mapping-method for:


  • Developing new business & new products,
    product concepts and new applications
  • Positioning brands in strategy development.
  • Adding more and deeper meaning
    to brand and product stories.


The visual tool to identify the values you need

TAGTIKA helps you quickly and purposefully choose the right values for a brand, organisation or product, for effective distinction and clear communication.

Intangible values (beyond money and matter) give you rock-solid opportunities for better differentiation.
By choosing the right values, you focus attention on those that are important to you and your customers.

The Visual Value Mapping-method teaches you practical steps to choose and rank the right ones.

Some of the experiences with and results of TAGTIKA

* Arjen Visser – Founder Dbvisit Software (Auckland New Zeeland) “TAGTIKA is amazingly simple, very beautiful and very useful, it ‘grabs’ you!”

* Inge Beckers – Employer Branding Professional HR & Communication
“With TAGTIKA, you arrive at value creation for meaningful concepts at lightning speed. You infiltrate your strategy sessions with lightness!”

* Orchidee Brasz – Senior UX/UI designer
“The Tagtika training is a really great
addition to my services”


* Mehrzad Karami – AI Advisor | AI Strategist | CTO “My team finds TAGTIKA very valuable, we now have very interesting discussions about what really matters.

* Hans van der Linde – Creative Director
/Photographer ”TAGTIKA is the Swiss
armyknife for any strategy session.

* Joost Nijland – Owener Empoyer4Office
“A mirror held up to you to make strategic choices to position yourself as a company. Fascinating, enlightening and guiding!”

* Stewart Shaw – Web Consultant and 
Developper “It’s like lego with purpose.”

* Vivian Acquah – Workplace Wellness
Advocate (Tagtika-sprint training)
“There’s a lot more I can do with it than I thought at first.”

* Marijke Voerman – Directeur Cabral
Instituut “TAGTIKA lets you grow on a personal level and gets the conversation going with yourself, with your team.”


5 reasons to implement TAGTIKA Visual Value Mapping

ready to use

Apply on a wide range of strategic
and communication challenges.


fast and to the point.

powerful overview

See new opportunities,
define crucial aspects.


connect and engage

Make team involvement easier,
gain valuable insight.

effective realisation

A limited set of goals,
helps to achieve more.

We provide TAGTIKA in company workshops in both English and Dutch, for more information
and available options please call us during office hours on +31(0)20 – 622 2121